Monthly Archives: April 2018

Answered Prayers


Have you ever gotten exactly what you prayed for? I did. It took awhile…like four or five years…but I had a dream that came true, a prayer that was answered.

And in that answer I was reminded that nothing ever comes easily.

So last summer I began this new journey of becoming a librarian. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m 48 years old, and after 23 years in the classroom, I began anew. I knew going in I would have to pick up my library endorsement, but in my non-experienced mind, I thought the classes would be easy. I was so wrong.

Graduate level, all online classes, no professor to ask for guidance, harder than heck, one paper or project after another….

But in the midst of the chaos, an unexpected gift came my way. God sent two fellow librarians to help me along the journey. The other day, I told my new, dear friends that if it weren’t for them, I would be a grad school flunky who ran off to join the circus.

Then an unexpected injury. A hernia. What the heck? Now? In the middle of grad school, with nine weeks of school left? What??? I’ve had the hernia for years but it was silent and mostly unknown. The doctor said it probably chose now to flare up due to my age. Okay…that’s insulting as heck.

No bending, no getting on the floor, no shelving books. Ugg…hernias suck. (A few things I’ve noticed since I’ve been home: lawyer commercials are on the T.V. constantly, if the only show on T.V. was The View, I’d never watch T.V. again…those are some mean, bitter folks, and lastly, I wish everybody smiled like Hoda.)

They say nothing good ever comes easy. I’m having to work hard to finish this goal, this dream of mine. I keep telling myself it’ll be worth it…and I trust that God has me exactly where He wants me. Even when I’m in over my head, cut open and stitched back together; even when I’m frustrated and tired, I can always trust that someone who knows infinitely more than me is in control.