Tag Archives: thankful

Happy Thanksgiving


Gobble, gobble and a hungry hello!  Thanksgiving is almost here.  I love Thanksgiving – the premise behind what the word means, the gathering of people without the burden of presents, and of course, the food!  Being from the south, we lean toward southern dishes…cranberry relish, sweet potato casserole, cheese grits, lima beans, corn, pecan pie and of course, turkey and dressing.  I’ve noticed something on T.V. lately – the dressing they show in commercials looks nothing like the dressing of southern, middle Tennessee.   The T.V. ready dressing is chunky with huge bits of breading….ours is more of a solid…hmm, I hope that doesn’t sound gross because it’s really delicious.  Our dressing has smaller pieces, more liquid and is baked in the oven.  It is also made with cornbread.  What is your dressing like?

I heard something over the weekend about Thanksgiving from a wise, older man.  He stated, “Shouldn’t every day be Thanksgiving?”  That is so very true.  Shouldn’t we wake up every day and count our blessings?  Even on the sad days or the yucky, I don’t feel good days?  Finding those joys, those little things that give our lives meaning every day, is important every single day.  How often do we overlook the tiny things that make our lives so much better? 

Of course I am thankful for my family, my friends, my job, but here are some other things I am truly, deeply thankful for:  a brilliant blue sky, trees, bright yellow buttercups in late February, air conditioning in the dog days of summer, indoor plumbing, books, classic rock music, smiles from strangers, love, hot coffee in the mornings, a house to have that coffee in, my computer to write on, cardinals, the sound of the ocean hitting the shore, the awe of the mountains as they touch the sky.

I hope you have a wonderul Thanksgiving…Thursday and every day!